Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Recently, a 13 year old, Tavi Gevinson, has been in the news. They say she is high fashion, tres chic, and stuff. We disagree. We'll show you why. CLICK HERE to see her blog, we'll have the link name at the bottom of this post. Well, I think we need to get a little more into why we think this is a NOT instead of a HOT. We'll give you our top 10 reasons (even though we have about 1,000)
1. She wears neons
2. She wears mismatching patterns
3. She wore an Ugly Doll (Cute as dolls, NOT ACCESSORIES!!)
4. Those old man shoes are so wrong
5. She wears really wierd hats
6. She wears fishnets
7. Her hair cut
8. The flannel
9. The tie die
10. The crazy outfits

This is her website name (you can also find it above):

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